We welcomed Les Clefs d’Or Japan – Ibaraki Koga FAM trip
This is official key news from Les Clefs d’Or Japan.
Sumiyoshi-san, a president of Les Clefs d’Or Japan kindly sent me their Key News about Ibaraki Koga FAM trip. We had great feedback from everyone on the tour.
Especially on the 27th of March, chief concierge of The Peninsula Tokyo and I had a meeting about nominating Koga tour on their private program.
How could I guess Koga can be nominated as a program for The Peninsula Tokyo? As all we know, Ibaraki is a prefecture known as the most unattractive destination to go, but we have been chosen.
To this question might have answers how we could promote the destination outside “Golden route” and create new inbound tourism.
Personally, I was more than happy to take my lovely guests to my hometown where I was born. It just feels so good to talk about my city and take them around. I never thought that I could have an opportunity being a professional guide as well as a travel agency to organize and operate the tour of Koga, Ibraki. I thank for everyone who created this tour and being involved for planning, organizing and participating together. The suppliers are very good friends of mine who always thought about their hometown and Ibaraki with love and appreciation. We all hope our guests could sense the feeling being part of us.
Thank you so much for your special attention and time to read all this.
Please do take care of yourselves and stay safe at wherever you are now.
With very best wishes,
Megumi Masuda
Founder of Musubi Ltd.
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